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MyDashWallet allows you to tip other people DASH directly on Twitter, Reddit, Discord or via Email.

You can now tip anyone from any wallet, not just from your own tipping account on Twitter, Reddit, Discord or Telegram (which is by far still the most popular method) or the unlocked wallet on MyDashWallet. Like before any Tip Account has a Dash Address, but we made it now super easy to find or create Dash Accounts for any social account. You can tip anyone you like and they will get a notification once they receive a tip.

Tip anyone directly from your unlocked wallet: Instead of sending directly to an Dash address select one of the other options and send out your Dash, we will notify the receiver for you. Or simply write your tip (Dash, mDASH, $, Usd, Euro or even Cookies or Beers) in any of the supported platforms where we have bots running and listening:

Can I tip without having any Dash in MyDashWallet yet?

MyDashWallet supports a tipping pot (check via the /balance command). Anything you receive via tips or any Dash you send to your address given via the /deposit command will end up in your tipping pot for future use. If you have redirected your receive address (via /account) to an address only you control MyDashWallet will still send all received tips to that address, but it cannot send any Dash and will create a new address next time you call /tip, /account or /deposit.

What happens if the recipient doesn't use MyDashWallet yet?

It doesn't matter, MyDashWallet simply sends Dash from your address to any other address, like any other Dash wallet also does. However if you tip someone in one of the social platforms or via email, the receipent automatically gets a new account he can log into with one click to claim his Dash, send it anywhere else, keep it or tip it to someone else.

I made a mistake, can I get my tip back?

If you made a mistake while tipping (invalid dash address, invalid email, unknown user, etc.) MyDashWallet will immediately inform you and cancel the tip right away. However if you send someone Dash and the transaction is on the blockchain, it is irreversable and cannot be claimed back. We are aware that tipping someone via Reddit, Twitter, etc. or via Email doesn't mean the receiver will actually claim his newly received Dash. For this reason there is a time-out if the receiver DOES NOT have a MyDashWallet yet: After 7 days newly created tip accounts will be destroyed again and all funds will be send back to the original sender. No time-outs for existing users, once you receive Dash and see it in your balance, it is yours, we will never take it back. To feel safe we recommend moving any received Dash to an address only you control (either on a hardware wallet or via your own keystore, then only you control the funds via your private keys). You can also tell the MyDashWallet bot to use a specific Dash address for receiving (via the /account command), in this case the funds are always under your control, we can't refund or help with any issues in this case.

Supported Commands

Command Discord Reddit Twitter Telegram Email
Tip X X X X X
Auto-Parse any mention text as Tip X X X X
Help X X X X
Price X X X X
Balance X X X X
Deposit X X X X
Withdrawal X X X X
Account X X X X
Rate X X X X
Chat X X X X
AddCurrency X X X X
UserCurrencies X X X X
Donate X
Swap X
Rain X X
Coinflip X
Lottery X
BuyTicket X
CreateLottery X
EndLottery X
CreateTxSpike X
Api Support X X X X X