1 DASH $22.85 €20.88 £18.51 |
1 mDASH $0.02 €0.02 £0.02 |
Node: |
Does provide an easy way to generate a mixing address like on https://mydashwallet.org/Mixing. Dash send to this address will be mixed and then forwarded to the toAddress. After this is done all traces are deleted. Use MixingStatus to check on how the mixing is doing. Small amounts (smaller than 10 Dash if enough pre-mixed Dash is available) are usually send out right away, otherwise mixing can take up to 12h, which is outside of our control and depends on the Dash network conditions. https://mydashwallet.org/Mixing is one of the most successful parts of this website, check it out on how much mixing activity is here in the upper right corner on that page.
Returns a string on the current mixing status, especially on incoming amounts, outgoing amounts and once it is done.
Allows to create a special Api account that can be integrated into any other app. It is up to you if you want to share the redeem link to your users or keep the funds safely locked in your app. The redeem link is needed for both api function CashOutEmailAccount and the Redeem link a user can click to control his funds himself. Please note that each email account can ONLY be created once, every other call you attempt with the same email will result in a "Account already exists" error message. The api does not check for a valid email (the email still must contain @. If a valid email is used the user will be contacted when funds arrive or when he needs to redeem them.https://mydashwallet.org/GetEmailAccountBalance?email=<AccountEmail>
Returns the amount of dash currently in this account email dash address, if you have the dash address stored from CreateEmailAccount you can check this yourself in the Dash blockchain. Will return 0 if the account doesn't exist or the account is empty.
Allows your app to send all user funds to a target dash address. Must use the same email and redeem values from CreateEmailAccount. Will return the tx in the dash blockchain.
Either received by the user once he receives a tip or when using CreateEmailAccount. PLEASE NOTE that the redeem link is private and ANYONE with this link can access the funds in this account, it should never be shared or shown to anyone. Only accounts that have been created via the social platforms (Twitter, Discord, Reddit, Telegram, Email or Api) have a redeem link. Any other accounts CANNOT be redeemed and are totally under the user control, if they lose their keystore, hd wallet seed, backups or hardware wallet, no one can help.
This is an advanced function used to generate a raw transaction by a full node to be signed on the client side (in javascript). All parameters are required, if you need more examples and details you can check the index.js file running on this website. See the detailed step by step guide and lots of helpful links below to get started.
var utxosTextWithOutputIndices = "7fbbceeea88cebeff25137bcea4ae182547e306c213be4c7837e211c2004bfc7|0|"; //assume this has 0.0001 Dash left
var amountToSend = 0.00009;
var useInstantSend = false;
var toAddress = "XvHR2v53PyUMTnXgX9wBmw8N4WstZT92xG";
var txFee = (0.00078 + 0.00148 * 1)/1000; // 1 duff per byte, minimum possible fee (78 duff per output, 148 duff for the 1 input, see updateTxFee for details)
var remainingDash = 0.00001 - txFee;
var remainingAddress = "Xv1Tfr7aFwfSsaYkTMtVe3nBK6XsWgtiFy";
$.getJSON("https://mydashwallet.org/GenerateRawTx?utxos=" + utxosTextWithOutputIndices + "&amountToAddress=" + amountToSend + "|" + toAddress + "&remainingAmountToAddress=" + remainingDash + "|" + remainingAddress).done(
function (data) {
var txHashes = data["txHashes"];
var rawtx = data["rawtx"];
console.log("txHashes: %O", txHashes);
console.log("rawtx: %O", rawtx);
// here you would have to sign the rawtx with your private keys, hardware wallet, hd wallet, keystore, etc.
// for examples you can check https://github.com/dashevo/dashcore-lib , https://github.com/bitpay/bitcore-lib/blob/master/docs/examples.md#create-a-transaction and https://MyDashWallet.org/TestLedger now you can call
$.get("https://mydashwallet.org/SendSignedTx?signedTx=" + signedTx + "&instantSend=" + useInstantSend,
function (finalTx) {
$("#response").css("color", "black")
.html("Successfully signed transaction and broadcasted it to the Dash network now " +
"(you can see the transaction in a few minutes in any Dash explorer): "+finalTx+"");
}).fail(function (jqxhr) {
$("#response").css("color", "red").text("Server Error: " + jqxhr.responseText);
// finally some error handling if things go wrong with GenerateRawTx
}).fail(function (jqxhr) {
$("#response").css("color", "red").text("Server Error: " + jqxhr.responseText);
Allows a raw tx (usually generated via GenerateRawTx) to be signed locally on the client side and then send it out into the dash network. This is the same as if you would call SendRawTransaction on any node yourself. SendSignedTx is very simple, all it does is execute the "SendRawTransaction" rpc call to broadcast a signed transaction into the Dash network. This is the only method that cannot be done on the client side as it must be executed on a full node with connections to other full nodes to broadcast the signed transaction. You can also see whats happening when you send a transaction on https://mydashwallet.org and click on "Show details for geeks after generating a transaction", users can also execute this command themselves in any dash node or rpc connected node or on other services.